What To Know About The Blue Heeler Puppies

Millions of people want very active dogs. If you’re one of them, the Australian Cattle Dog is for you. They are energetic, highly trainable, loyal, protective, and courageous. Especially when it comes to protecting their family, the Australian Cattle Dog will not back down from a fight.

This is one of the main reasons why people love them as family dogs and herding dogs. Do you want to have one yourself? First, you need to look into some of the most interesting facts about the Blue Heeler puppy.

Fact #1: They Are Named Blue Heelers Because Of Their Color

The official name of the Blue Heeler is the Australian Cattle Dog, also known as the Queensland Heeler, or the Halls Heeler. They are further categorized into two: the Red Heeler and the Blue Heeler dog, depending on the color. Despite the misconception, the Blue Heeler is not a breed. They are mere subcategories of the Australian Cattle Dog which is a highly energetic working creature.

Fact #2: The Australian Cattle Dog Is One Of The Oldest Breeds

According to archives, the Australian cattle dog was first bred by Australians in the 19th century. Settlers wanted to raise a dog that possesses protective and herding instincts for large ranches. For many years, they have searched and crossbred various dogs. But it wasn’t until they used the Australian Dingo when they were able to produce a dog that possesses strength, agility, and intelligence that can perform the duties of a working dog.

Fact #3: These Creatures Are Medium In Size

There are stories about the Australian Cattle Dog saying that they possess outstanding agility. Knowing this, many people assume that these dogs are large breeds. Little do they know that they can only grow up to 20 inches and weigh up to 40 pounds. Females, on the other hand, are much smaller. They can grow from 17 to 19 inches and weigh from 31 to 35 pounds. Some experts believe that their size, matched with their muscular body adds to their strength and agility in the field. They are quick as a fox and agile as a mouse.

Fact #4: The Blue Heeler Is A Velcro Dog

When people say Velcro, it means that the dog is very attached to its master. The Blue Heeler may come out strong and courageous, but deep inside that tough exterior is a soft heart that craves the attention of its owners. Believe it or not, the Blue Heeler is one of the most famous Velcro dogs on this planet. This is why many people love to get an Australian Cattle puppy. They want to have a clingy dog who can protect them from intruders. This combination is rare, especially among small and medium dogs.

Fact #5: These Dogs Need Early Training

The Blue Heeler dog is known for its nipping and biting instincts. Therefore, they need to be trained and socialized as early as possible. If you’re planning to get these dogs, you need to allow an ample amount of time to make sure that their training needs are met, or else they can develop aggression. Some of them even resort to destructive behavior such as chewing and digging.

Some expert handlers recommend incorporating training with play. This way, they can be more conducive to command and have fun while they learn new tricks. But still, you need to be firm in disciplining the Blue Heeler. Remind them of their place or else they might end up training you instead.

Fact #6: The Blue Heeler Needs Constant Exercise

Aside from their training and socialization, the Australian Cattle Dog requires regular exercise. This is essential to keep their minds and bodies stimulated. It helps prevent diseases. Plus, it keeps them happy and satisfied with their lives. According to studies, dogs who do not receive enough exercise are prone to aggression and destructive behaviors. This is why you need to allow at least 30 minutes to 1 hour every day to meet their needs. If you know you can’t keep up with this requirement, choose a dog that doesn’t require much exercise.

Fact #7: They Are Not Fit For Apartment Living

These dogs are one of the most active and most energetic creatures you will ever see. Seeing how intense their prey drive is, it’s almost impossible to survive inside confined spaces such as apartments. They need a place where they can run wildly and freely. This is essential so they can expend their energy regularly and avoid getting bored.

Fact #8: They Can Be Prone To Various Illnesses

Like any other dog, the Blue Heeler can be prone to various illnesses such as deafness, hip dysplasia, cataracts, and progressive retinal atrophy. This is why regular visits to the vet are necessary. This way, experts can administer tests such as eye tests, x-rays, and hearing tests. With a reliable vet on call, you can open up about concerns you have for your dog, so they can suggest or prescribe activities and supplements to keep them healthy.

According to handlers, caring for all Blue Heelers usually costs $400 to $700 dollars annually. This includes their vaccination fees, food, consultations, and other supplies. However, this can be lessened provided you keep a good watch on their health and provide for their needs.

There you have it. These are only some facts you need to know about caring for the Blue Heeler puppy. Do you think you have the ability and the resources to care for one? If so, nothing is stopping you from getting one of the most energetic and loving dogs there is. You can never go wrong with an Australian Cattle Dog.

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